The default viewer layout in the Services module includes information that has statistically been helpful to most users, but what might work well for one person might not work for another. You have several options for optimizing the layout to suit your needs. You can sort or group by any column, you can switch columns around, and you can add and remove columns.
To set a default sort or grouping use the Sort By and Group By drop-down fields.
Click the Gear icon to open Viewer Settings.
All available grid fields will list on the left. To add columns find the field name and select by clicking the check box.
- To rearrange fields, find the field name in Reorder Fields on the right. Click, hold and drag to the new position.
- To remove fields, click the X to the right of the field name or click the Remove All link.
After making your changes, click Save.
Your customizations will be saved so every time you log in, you will see your new layout.
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