While having Casework HTML form letters that can go out to a large number of constituents is extremely useful, sometimes it's nice to include a little bit of customization and additional case information. You can accomplish this by including automatic merge fields and/or fill-in fields.
To create a new letter in the Letters module.
1. Go to Letters.
2. Click the New button, select New Letter.
3. From Letter Create Selection, click HTML Letter.
4. Enter Letter Code (name of your letter) and Description (searchable so be descriptive).
5. Make sure Usage is set to Casework.
6. Select both a Header and Footer (typically named HTML- HEADER and HTML- SIGBLOCK)
7. Set Print Style.
8. Skip Status, you will come back to this after you write your letter.
9. Click Create Letter button.
10. Click the Edit Letter button to open the HTML Editor.
11.Type body of the new letter or copy/paste from another source. Format as needed and remember if copying text from Word use the Copy from Word button to strip out hidden formatting code.
12. Click Save button.
13. Click Close link to exit Editor.
14. Change Status to Final Version.
15. Click Save Changes button.
Also see How do I add fill-in fields to my Services HTML form letters and How do I add automatic merge fields to my Services HTML form letters articles.
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