You can access your casework in your My Cases folder.
1. Select Services from the top navigation menu, select the My Cases folder from the left navigation.
2. The My Cases folder displays all open casework assigned to you.
3. If you know the case pretty well and just need to make a few quick updates, you can select the case and make quick updates using the buttons on the toolbar.
4. You are able to select more than one case at a time and assign them a new due date, assign them to a different staff member, or change their case type.
5. Click the Assign toolbar button.
6. Click the Change Status button to change the status of a single selected case.
7. If you need to work on a particular case in more detail, you can click on the Case ID number to open up the full case details.
8. The Case Detail window will open, and you will be able to view, edit, or update any information related to the case.
- To edit information about the overall case such as status, the assigned staff member, the comment, the due date, etc., click the Edit link that appears in the upper left just below the contact's name.
- The case's Everything tab displays all activities and journal entries for the case. You can view them, edit them, reopened closed activities, or print snapshots of them by using the shortcut options that appear below the description of the item. (Click the ID number that displays to the left and below the icons to open the specific record.)
- The vertical tabs in the far right panel allows you to email, print, create follow-ups & journals, add contacts, and attach files.
- To exit the case and return to your list of open cases, click the X above the vertical tabs.
- If you are ready to resolve the case, click the Resolve link that appears in the upper left just below the contact's name. Select the correct "Closed" status, check the "Close all open activities" box, and type in a reason for the resolution. Click the Resolve button.
- The closed case will no longer appear in your My Cases folder, but you can easily find it again by searching for the constituent.
9. You can also access the case from within a contact's record. If you are in a contact's record, you will see an overview of the contact's interactions with your office, including any casework. You can click on the Case ID number to open up the case details, or you can click on one of the options listed below the description to make quick updates.
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