Inbox (Communications)
- How do I view an in-app notification?
- How do I comment on a conversation?
- How do I share a conversation?
- How do I reply to a campaign?
- How do I reply to a single Inbox conversation?
- How do I move a reply to a conversation back to the Inbox?
- Why do some conversations not contain a contact name (No Name)?
- How do I use filters?
- How do I view Campaigns (duplicate messages)?
- How do I use Inbox pivots (views)?
- How can I best manage the Inbox?
- How do I update person's name and contact information while viewing a conversation?
- How do I create a new Inbox tag?
- How do I add additional or replace existing Inbox tags on multiple conversations?
- How do I assign a multiple conversations to a user?
- How do I reply to multiple Conversations at once?
- How do I draft and send replies to multiple Conversations at once?
- How do I import a Template to use when replying?
- How do I log a new conversation (Phone Call, Postal Mail, Other, etc.)?
- How do I convert a Communication item to a Service request?