In this release users should see improved speed in the auto-complete when finding people to create a new conversation or new case, adding the prefix field to the form for creating new people, and improving overall performance.
We're have also added a completely new section to the left navigation in the Inbox - Tags. Tags organizes your conversations by the the tags you've applied rather than by who they're assigned to or whether they're individual messages versus campaign mail. (See the image below).
We heard from a number of people that the separation of advocacy campaign mail from individual correspondence was great when sorting brand new mail, but after mail had been categorized, they wanted to get to all the open mail that had been tagged the same way no matter who it was assigned to or whether or not it was part of a campaign. We have added to the top of the "Tags" section an "Untagged" label. This will hold all open mail that hasn't yet been tagged.
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