Keep content short and concise. Try to keep it to 1 or 2 sentences as shorter texts are more likely to be read and less likely to irritate recipients. Messages are split up into multiple segments if they are longer than 140 characters. This means some recipients could get multiple pings for a single message, which could be irritating and result in more opt outs. We recommend sticking to that 140 character limit in your initial message. (Your follow up message can be longer and include more details.)
Everything counts. You have a max character count of 250 in your initial message, so make sure every character serves a purpose. “Spaces", line breaks, and punctuation marks count (some more than others)!
Make sure to identify who is sending the text. For example, 'Hi this is Representative X' or 'Hi this is Aaron with Representative Y.'
Add easy to understand directions if you expect a reply. For example: "To RSVP text YES".
End text with an opt-out line. For example “Reply STOP to opt out". This one is very important and is a requirement.
Always send yourself a test message before sending the campaign so you can catch typos before you send--otherwise it it's too late to fix.
Don't include URLs/links in the initial message. Instead, use the "Yes" reply option to include more details and send the links to people who are engaged. Links are red flags and can cause cell phone companies to block your message.
Whenever including a URL/link in a text message, always use the full url with your domain rather than a link shortening tool. While link shorteners like do reduce character count, mobile carriers are likely to filter your messages.
Images are not supported in SMS text language.
Consider automating YES and NO responses if it is a very large campaign.
Personalize text messages – If it is a general public announcement we don’t recommend using the {FirstName} field since it will increase the number of wrong number responses, however, if the purpose of the text is to generate engagement using {FirstName} will make it feel more personal.
We discourage the use of phone numbers in your text. Your message will come from a system-generated number that will conflict with your contact information. A website is encouraged.
Make sure your content is timely and useful for your audience.
Always take advantage of the YES or NO scripts. This is a great opportunity to provide more information, direct people to resources, or even just direct them to your office for additional questions.
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