CWC, or Communicating with Congress is an import channel that allows you to distinguish advocacy campaign mail from other emails in the Inbox.
HOUSE ONLY NOTE: The CWC program is currently only available in the House of Representatives.
Advocacy campaign mail will continue to come into the Inbox with other email, but you will notice a few differences that allow you to quickly identify, organize, and process advocacy campaign mail.
- CWC will display in the "In Type" column rather than EML. You can sort or group by in type, or you can create a filtered folder in your inbox for CWC or EML.
- The incoming message panel will display additional fields in bold depending upon what information was included in the message. Examples of information you might see include Subject line, Library of Congress Topic, Organization, and Constituent Message.
- Interest codes will automatically be assigned to the CWC activities as they come into the Inbox. (See the complete list of interest codes below.)
In addition to these noticeable differences, there is also a difference behind the scenes. Every advocacy campaign vendor, regardless of the message, has a unique Campaign ID. The CRM's duplicate check will run on the Campaign ID for CWC messages rather than the message text itself. The CWC messages coming from the same vendor will be treated as perfect matches if they have the same campaign ID, allowing you to quickly group them together.
See our tutorial video House of Representative's CWC Service for Advocacy Campaign Mail.
CWC Interest Codes | Descriptions |
CWC_AGRI | Agriculture and Food |
CWC_ANML | Animals |
CWC_DEF | Armed Forces and National Security |
CWC_ART | Arts, Culture, Religion |
CWC_COMMERCE | Commerce |
CWC_CONGRESS | Congress |
CWC_CRIME | Crime and Law Enforcement |
CWC_ECON | Economics and Public Finance |
CWC_EDU | Education |
CWC_EMERG | Emergency Management |
CWC_ENR | Energy |
CWC_ENV | Environmental Protection |
CWC_FAM | Families |
CWC_FINANCE | Finance and Financial Sector |
CWC_TRADE | Foreign Trade and International Finance |
CWC_GOV | Government Operations and Politics |
CWC_HLTH | Health |
CWC_HOUS | Housing and Community Development |
CWC_IMM | Immigration |
CWV_INT | International Affairs |
CWC_LAB | Labor and Employment |
CWC_LAW | Law |
CWC_NATIVE | Native Americans |
CWC_LANDS | Public Lands and Natural Resources |
CWC_SCITECH | Science, Technology, Communications |
CWC_WEL | Social Welfare |
CWC_SPORTS | Sports and Recreation |
CWC_TAX | Taxation |
CWC_TRA | Transportation and Public Works |
CWC_WATER | Water Resources and Development |
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