Filtered folders and saved searches are very similar. Both allow you to create complex queries to mine data. The difference is that filtered folders are searching a specific folder; whereas, saved searches are searching the entire database. For example, creating a filtered folder in the Inbox with the single filter of Interest Code = ENR will yield unprocessed emails with the interest code ENR. Creating a saved search with the same filter will yield all activities (email, phone, letter, etc.) of any status (unprocessed, open, or closed) with the interest code ENR. You will follow the exact same process for creating a filtered folder as you would for creating a saved search, except you must specify the type of filtered folder—Inbox, My Mail, All Mail.
- Creating a New Filtered Folder or Saved Search
- Adding Groups and Filters
- Viewing Your Results
- Editing Your Filtered Folder or Saved Search
Creating a New Filtered Folder or Saved Search
Start by navigating to the Mail module.
- Click New above the left navigation panel, and select either New Filtered Folder or New Saved Search.
- Give it a name and a description. If it is a filtered folder, be sure to select the correct type.
- You can choose to share your filtered folder or saved search with another staff member by making it public to share with all staff or by selecting user names from the dropdown to share with specific staff members.
Adding Groups and Filters
You can now begin creating your query by adding groups and filters. Every filtered folder and saved search will have at least one group and one filter. A group can contain multiple filters, and multiple groups allow you to build more complex queries using an “All of (AND)” or “Any of (OR)” group operator.
1. Start by selecting the Inclusion Group operator AND.
NOTE: "AND” means that your results will have to meet all of the criteria in all groups. "OR” means that your results can match the criteria in one group or in another group but don’t have to match both.
2. Click the Inclusion Group Add Filter button. This will add a group with one filter in it.
3. Select the correct criteria for your first filter.
4. Depending upon your selection, you will have several choices of operator such as “Equals,” “Between,” “Is Empty,” “Is One Of,” “Is Not One Of,” etc. Select the correct operator.
5. Depending upon your operator, your next field may disappear, it may prompt you for a date, or it may provide a lookup window to search for codes. Complete this field with the correct information.
6. Continue adding filters and/or groups until your query is built, and then click Save or click Add a Sub Group to add another query.
Viewing Your Results
Your filtered folder or saved search will now be saved. Filtered folders will appear below whichever folder type you selected. Saved searches will appear below the Saved Searches folder. The main folders can be collapsed by clicking on the orange arrow that appears next to the folder name.
Select your new filtered folder or saved search from the left navigation panel, and your search results will display in the main interaction panel. From there, you can work with the records.
NOTE: If this is a Saved Search, the search runs when you save it. If you need to run the search again, click the "Refresh Data" option at the top of the screen.
Editing Your Filtered Folder or Saved Search
If you need to make changes to a query, click on the "Show All Folders" icon located above the left navigation panel next to the New button to show all folders.
- Select either Filtered Folders or Saved Searches.
- All of the existing filtered folders or saved searches will be listed.
- To delete, check the desired folder or search, and click the orange Delete button.
- To edit, click the name of the desired folder or search. This will open the search so you can change filters, share with others, or edit the description.
- After making your edits, click Save to update your query. Then close the list of filtered folders of saved searches with the X in the upper right. You will be returned to your previous screen.
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