It is important to regularly monitor your mailing results and to periodically do a thorough review of your mailing campaign. If you have an established Communications Plan, you will be looking for specific results in addition to monitoring your overall campaign health. Every mailing has a thorough Executive Summary that provides information about that mailing's interactions that you should check after each mailing is delivered. Note your delivery rate, view rate, click throughs, opt-ins, bounces, and responses to included items such as surveys and social media shares.
In addition to the Executive Summary, you have over 65 reports available in Analytics.
Many reports give you the option to view the results numerically or graphically by choosing from among the small icon(s) at the bottom of the report.
Here are a few of the reports that you'll find in Analytics:
Mailing Reports
Views by time of day and Views by day of week will display the number of views broken down by hour and by day. If you are comparing mailings that were sent to the same lists, you can begin to identify a peak time and day for sending out your mailings in the future.
Delivery Reports
Successful deliveries and views for all mailings will display a list of all mailings and a count for number delivered and number viewed. If you're looking for a big picture comparison of your view rate over time, this report is especially helpful in the graph view.
Successful delivery and bounce counts for all mailings will display a list of all mailings and a count for delivered, hard bounced, soft bounced, and unknown bounced. Similar to the previous report, if you're looking for a big picture comparison of your delivery and bounce rate over time, this report is especially helpful in the graph view.
Sent rate, successful deliveries and bounces by list or domain shows the same information information as the report described above - a count for delivered, hard bounced, soft bounced, and unknown bounced. The difference is that you are able to drill down to a specific list or a specific domain.
Views Reports
Total and unique views (per list) will display the number of views a particular list has generated. This is especially helpful if you have a lot of targeted lists and you want to analyze how successful you're targeting is in triggering views.
Total and unique views (all mailings) is similar to the report described above, except it will display the number of views for all mailings. This is helpful if you want a quick comparison of views triggered over multiple mailings.
Sharing Reports
NOTE: You will only have information in sharing reports for mailings that included the "Social Share" links. These reports are helpful if you're trying to determine who your biggest advocates are. These are the ones who will be sharing your newsletter the most and/or who are generating the most views.
Top Sharers will give you a list of emails for the contacts who shared your mailings with the most frequent sharer at the top. You'll also see the number of times each contact shared your mailing.
Sharers who generate most viewers is similar to the report above, except you will see the contacts who generated the most views at the top and a count of how many views each contact generated.
Contacts Reports
Subscriber Activity by Month will display the total number of subscribers and the total number of unsubscribers per month over a specified time frame.
The Custom report lists a large number of fields. Similar to building a criteria based list, you only complete the fields you're interested in finding information for, and then click Submit. The results will display a total number at the top, and then list the individual contacts.
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