People Filters:
- Search - Search people records by keyword, tag, or person's name.
- Sort by- Sort by newest, oldest, last name and recently viewed.
- Location- You can search by city, county, district and zip.
- Tags - Search for people that have been tagged with one or more specific people tags where the number to the right of the tag identifies the number of people where the tag has been applied. Click the Search 10 more link to view all tags.
- Date of birth - Enter a date of birth date range
- Response letter - Click the drop-down to view people that have received a specific response letter.
- Email Subscription- Select to view people with a newsletter status of All, Subscribed, Unsubscribed, or Non-subscribers.
- Person has - Select one or more people that have a Valid email address, is a Head of household, has a Service request or Conversation, has a Deliverable address, and/or has a Phone number.
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