Mail (Correspondence)
- Mail Tutorial Videos
- How can I use Macros and Keyboard Shortcuts to process mail more quickly?
- How do I customize the Viewer Settings (layout) in Mail?
- How do I sort new email in the Inbox?
- How do I edit an existing contact's record?
- How do I update a contact's name and address information from the incoming email using Find Contact Info?
- How do I assign a group of activities to a staff member?
- How do I write a response letter to a contact (Quick Letter)?
- How do I assign and edit a quick letter in Mail?
- How do I print or email large amounts of correspondence?
- How do I view the original incoming message with header information and tags?
- How do I preview a message when multiple activities are selected or when grouping by duplicate?
- What is Communicating with Congress (CWC)?
- How do I search for quick letter language using Document Search?
- How do I edit the steps of a Workflow once it has been started?
- How do I Edit or Delete an existing workflow from the Workflow table?
- How do I start (initiate) a new workflow from Mail?
- How do I Approve, Reject, Delegate, Send Notification or Delete a Workflow?
- How do I view a Workflow that has been assigned to me or someone else?
- How do I edit a letter from a workflowed mail activity?
- How do I assign a form letter to a group of activities?
- How do I import faxes?
- How do I run a mail report?
- How can I edit or create a new header and signature for use with my Mail/Correspondence letters?
- How do I track anonymous polling?
- How do I create a filtered folder or a saved search for mail?
- How do I import Scanned or Digital Mail?